How do I enable PIN entry on a CT72 or CT74?


PIN entry is disabled by default on the CT72 and CT74. If you want employees to be able to use their PIN at these clocks follow these steps.

  1. Select Clocks from the navigation list.
  2. From the slide out menu select Manage Clocks.
  3. Choose the clock you wish to work with from the list.
  4. Go to the Settings tab.
  5. Under Validation Types select Allow PIN Numbers.
  6. Once complete select Save.
  7. Select Employees from the navigation list.
  8. Choose the employee you wish to work with from the list.
  9. From the toolbar, select Manage Employee. In the drop down menu select Assign To Clocks.
  10. Select the clock from the list, under Supported Validation Types select PIN Entry.
  11. Once complete select Save and Exit.

Note: PIN entry has to be enabled on the clock and on the employee for it to be recognized at the clock.


Wed 12/05/2018